",,,The current changes in our planet's climate are redrawing the world and magnifying the risks for instability in all forms.
The last two decades included 18 of the warmest years on record. The trend is clear.
Immediate and decisive climate action is essential..."
Due to massive subsidies in the EU, biomass energy plants are multiplying fast and as a result the logging, shipping & burning of woody biomass is too. This is causing an ecological disaster of epic proportions. Burning biomass kills people, animals and biodiversity. Politicians who allow biomass energy plants to exist are directly responsible for the illnesses, deaths, deforestation, depleted biodiversity, increased global warming and climate change it causes. Let's hold them accountable & end the massacre now!
The burning of woody biomass results in three times as much carbon dioxide emission as burning gas and even produces more carbon dioxide in comparisment with burning coal or oil which drastically increases global warming.
Switching from burning biomass in stead of coal increases deadly particulate emissions with 400%
Emissions from biomass plants are very hazardous. Besides the massive damage caused to the enviroment & wildlife it is also especially harmful to our own health. Emissions from biomass burning contain particle pollution, nitrogen, hydrochloric acid, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, ammonia, heavy metals and dioxins and furans. These emissions cause diseases such as lung disease, hart failure and cancer. On average people die 13 months sooner due to particle pollution. Nitrogen emissions destroys nature’s biodiversity. It causes one plant to grow excessively and therefore other plants don’t stand a chance. Nitrogen kills marine life and it gets into our drinking water which can cause cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Nitrogen also makes bones weak. Baby birds born in a nitrogen deposit area currently break their legs when they first try to walk.
Governments all over the world are replacing fossil fuel installations with biomass plants and are deforesting the entire world. People and animals are losing their homes and habitats and soil is becoming infertile due to extensive logging. Citizens all over the world are worried about the climate and the disappearance of trees, forests and rainforests. But politicians only think about the economy and making profits for billion dollar companies. The consequences of global warming for the world’s population will be extensive and we hereby state that every person who is willingly acting in a way that worsens climate change should be held accountable for their actions. Watch the international premiere of "Burned" to discover why this is important to you!
We've presented 75 viable solutions to end the burning of biomass and fossil fuels. Check em out!
We share a vision of a world in which thriving natural forests play a significant role in tackling climate change and contribute to a clean, healthy, just and sustainable future for all life on earth. Burning forest wood for large-scale energy production cannot be part of that future for all of the reasons outlined on this website. Instead we must protect and restore natural forests, thereby reducing emissions and removing atmospheric carbon dioxide while supporting biodiversity, resilience and well-being.
This webpage contains hundreds of research articles and reports on the impact of the logging and burning of woody biomass and all the issues and risks surrounding it which we have read and analyzed as a basis for this website.
This webpage contains all the national and international videos about the logging and burning of woody biomass and the actions of the 200 organizations trying to prevent them from burning down our forests and polluting our environment.
This webpage contains all the national and international news items about the logging and burning of woody biomass and the actions of the 200 organizations trying to prevent them from burning down our forests and polluting our environment.
We will have to hold the politicians accountable for the disaster which they are causing by stealing our taxes and giving it to the owners and shareholders of dirty billion dollar companies. Asking them politely is not going to work. Help us prosecute them!
This webpage contains the quotes, claims and statements from international research papers on the impact of logging and burning woody biomass on the earths biodiversity. The UN claims 1 million species are about to go extinct. We are running out of time.
This webpage contains the quotes, claims and statements from international research papers on Carbon Dioxide emissions caused by the logging, transport and burning of woody biomass and the impact it has on climate change.
This webpage contains the quotes, claims and statements on certification, regulations, monitoring and schemes required for the sustainable woody biomass supply chain obtained from official documents and international research papers.
This page contains the quotes, claims and statements from official documents and international research papers on the ecotoxicity of burning woody biomass and the effect it causes on our health and environment.
This page contains the quotes, claims and statements from official documents and international research papers on the many health risks and the millions of early deaths caused annually by the logging and burning of woody biomass.
This page contains the quotes, claims and statements from official documents and international research papers on the legal national & international framework in which the logging and burning of woody biomass is to be placed.
This page contains the results of our pro biomass lobby research which shows that millions are put into the lobby world of the biomass plants every year by, among others, the energy companies, the banks, politicians, scientists and investors.
This page contains the quotes, claims and official research results that show that the current subsidy rules undermine the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and violate treaty obligations and fundamental human rights.
This page contains the many eco-friendly solutions gathered from international research papers or provided by organizations to globally replace the burning of fossil fuels or woody biomass used to produce electricity or heat.
This webpage contains the quotes, claims and statements from official documents and international research papers on the massive amount of subsidies provided for the burning of woody biomass to produce electricity or heat.
This page contains the quotes, claims and statements from official documents and international research papers on the sustainability requirements and status of the logging and burning of woody biomass for the production of electricity or heat.
This page contains the quotes, claims and statements from official documents and international research papers on the logging of whole trees used for the burning of woody biomass for the production of electricity or heat.
This webpage contains all the actions & campagnes we gathered from the more than 200 international organizations which you can assist and support to prevent the logging and burning of woody biomass to produce electricity or heat.